The ONLY video training course with a full MONEY BACK guarantee

Watch this video to learn about my 50 hour training program

It would be difficult to find a more detailed Forex course

My Forex video training course contains 33 videos lasting 50 hours. There are also two bonus videos which I will discuss later in this article.

The video course itself is something I have wanted to do for years but not had the time do do. I finally knuckled down and recorded it over 4 months in the latter part of 2022. 

I didn’t know it at the time, but I could not have picked a better 4 months to make the course.

It coincided with a period where we went from U.S interest rates were at 1.5 %,U.S inflation at 9% and 10 year bond rates at 3% , to U.S interest rates up to 3%, the biggest increase in such a short period since 1994, inflation down from 9% to just over 7% and the 10 year bond rate over 4%, the highest in a decade.

In addition to this record breaking period for those rates we also had the war in Ukraine, British government upheaval, a new Chinese covid outbreak and lockdown which caused supply shortages, a recovery in the Euro currency from historic lows, and the U.S stock market fell almost as much as it did in the pandemic. 

In addition this coincided with the bank of Japan intervening in it’s bond market for the first time in 20 years.

To cap it all the huge hedge funds that we all rely on to fund out pensions all lost money.

It was a tumultuous period and I never knew before I started the training that things would unfold in the way that they did.

All the training sessions were run with me and my customers in attendance, and, importantly, LIVE in the markets. I don’t see the point of running a Forex training program unless you can reference the real ”here and now”. Anyone can talk about what happened yesterday, or last week or last month, and explain why it happened. But that is not how trading works. You have to do your analysis in real time and make decisions in real time. So I ran every session like that and many trades were placed using the analysis and methodology that I use every day.

So, given that I was training LIVE, I could not have asked for a better 4 month period to run the training as it highlighted the swings that you get in ALL markets.

During the training period the following happened:

  1. The U.S dollar went from 104 to 114, it’s highest in 20 years.  
  2. The U.S bond market rates went to 10 year record highs
  3. The USD / JPY went from 131 to 145, it’s highest in 20 years
  4. Similarly the EUR / USD got to it’s lowest in 20 years at 1.00

Lots of records were broken during the training and markets were very volatile with the VIX hovering around 30 for periods.

The training also coincided with the peak in these markets. The U.S dollar then started to come down, as did bond markets rates. I managed to correctly predict these things before they happened and I predicted them in the training.

In January 2023 I ran a follow up training session to discuss the changes that had occurred in the markets from October 2022 to January 2023.

So if you are looking for a Forex training course that prepares you for EVERY eventuality that occurs in the markets, then this is it.

I really cannot do the content of the course justice in this article, however I have covered some more ground in the video above. So here I will list just some of the things covered in the training.

There are 33 videos, spanning 50 hours. Each video covers a specific aspect of the markets and the first video is a 1 hour video that breaks down the content of all the other videos. This is so that you can pick and choose what content you want to watch.

In the course I have catered for every level of trader. If you have never traded Forex before I have you covered. However if you have been trading Forex for 10 years or more I also have many hours of content that will, I hope, enlighten you and give you the knowledge to get to the next level.

That is why I split the training into so many separate videos, so that anyone can watch the videos that are best suited to their level of experience. 

So, in no particular order, and  by no means a full description of the content, here are some of the aspects of Forex trading covered on the 33 videos:

  • Size of the Forex market
  • Who moves the Forex market
  • Minimum amount of capital to trade
  • Why Forex is the safest market
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Chart analysis
  • Interest rate dynamics
  • Monetary policy
  • Quantative easing
  • Economic calendar
  • Best websites to use
  • What makes a currency strong/weak
  • Fiscal policy
  • Risk currencies
  • Safe haven currencies
  • Carry trades
  • Market sentiment
  • Reserve currencies
  • U.S dollar deep dive
  • The dollar smile
  • Market correlations
  • Bond markets
  • Yield curve
  • Inflation (demand pull / cost push)
  • USD / JPY vs yield curve
  • Bond / Stock / Forex connection
  • Stocks deep dive
  • FED dynamics
  • 60/40 portfolios
  • Hawks vs doves 
  • 10 year U.S bond market
  • What is ”priced in”?
  • U.S dollar ”push and pull”
  • Why the CAD hugs the U.S dollar
  • Risk on / Risk off table
  • Modern Monetary Theory
  • Technical trading
  • Forex indicators deep dive
  • Forex market ”gurus” and scammers
  • Support & Resistance
  • Trading with margin
  • Risk management
  • How much money can you make?
  • Real retail trader results
  • Real big banks traders results
  • Catalyst trades
  • Fundamental trades
  • Anticipation trades
  • Which pair to trade today
  • When to enter a trade
  • When to exit a trade
  • When NOT to trade
  • Fake strength / weakness
  • Stop to Profit PIP distance
  • Volume vs liquidity and spreads
  • Candle patterns
  • Hard vs soft landing
  • Dot plot
  • Position squaring
  • Commitment Of Traders
  • London Fix
  • Using the VIX
  • Profit taking / short covering
  • Trend analysis
  • U.S stock market open
  • Trade balances(imports/ exports)
  • Why the FED prefers PCE
  • Friday trades
  • Under / over trading
  • Stop loss sweet spot
  • Dollar index
  • Non Farm Payroll
  • Inflation and the U.S dollar

As you can see a LOT is covered. Is it too much? Well I would not change the training in any way if I were to do it again( which I won’t as it is one of the hardest things I have ever done!!) 

I have looked all over the internet and I cannot find anything that comes close to this level of detail. 

Although it was recorded between July and November 2022 the content will be totally relevant for many years to come. Until we are below 2% inflation, which I predict will be 2026, then this training will be all you need to navigate the markets and trade with confidence, and most importantly, without stress.

I also run training update videos a few times each year. My latest is in July 2023.

Please note that when you buy this course you also get a 3 hour bonus training session on Forex Brokers. You can learn more about that on my ”Brokers” page.

If you want to purchase this course please head over the the PRICING page. The link is at the top.


Mark Boardman